Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.



Taxonomy  Write word from the list of keywords in each slide of the taxonom composition
there are six major categories,which are listed in order below;

Knowledge Outlines:An outline is a detailed plan of your 

             Comprehension Rewrites: In fact for the rewrites of the problem is that people will usualy encounter when you do research.

           Application Discovers: We can understand the problem to be e.g Where in the course of such inspection, the warehouses discovers anyone-compliance of the goods, it shall timely notify the depositor.

           Analysis Compares: Because the comparison is the best way to analyze things, So that we can understand more clear
            Synthesis Reorganizes: To do the research work will be necessary do well reorganizes work. This is the last and most important step.
         Evaluation Supports: Technical support can make a more scientific evaluation can do more accurate!

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